+91 85478 54006


Tensingh ensured high-quality production standards for two children’s books I authored, Pierre’s Adventure in Arabia – Searching for the Heart of Dubai and Bella The Desert Dog that were published by Jerboa Books. I have no doubt that his attention to detail and eye for production quality contributed to the success of these publications.  His friendly, helpful manner made it a pleasure to deal with him throughout the production process.
 Janice Edgar, Canada

“I have known Tensingh for 7 years and during this time I have always found him to be very pleasant, efficient and professional. It has been a pleasure to work with him during the publishing process of my books. He was attentive and helpful at all times and I would not hesitate to work with him again”
Marilyn Sheffield, UK

I have known Mr Tensingh both as a colleague and a friend whilst working as an Educational Consultant in Dubai. I was impressed by him both as a person and as a colleague. He had great personal skills and management skills and was very conscientious in his working environment. He is honest and trustworthy.
Kenneth H Jackson, Cambridge,UK

I have had the pleasure of working with Kesavan Tensingh for almost six years (2005 to 2011) where we were the first two employees in a new publishing house.  I was new to publishing and I found that his forty years or more experience in the world of printing was an invaluable help to both me and the company.  He is utterly reliable, with a meticulous eye for detail and  his breadth of printing experience and generally supportive nature meant that he kept a careful and watchful eye on the 200 + books we developed and printed in that time from start to completion.  Ours was a small office and Tensingh enhanced the friendly and hard working atmosphere we enjoyed.  I wish him well in his new printing and publishing venture and feel certain that all who work with him will find him honest and fair and hardworking.
Jane Hodges , UK

“I worked with Tensingh when I designed a series of books for Jerboa Publishing. I found Tensingh to be extremely efficient, helpful and considerate, with meticulous attention to detail. I wouldn't hesitate to work with Tensingh in the future.
Kim Sillitoe (UK) Owner, Marmalade Book Design

“I worked with Tensingh while providing children's book illustrations for Jerboa Books. He was always very professional and an absolute pleasure to work with!”.
Joanne Mendelski (UK), Children's Book Illustrator, Freelance Illustrator

“A professional manager who crosses the t's and dots the i's. A skilled negotiator, reliable, honest and always a pleasure to do business with.”
Fred Rangolan (UAE) , Managing Director, General Printing Press

“During my tenure with Blue Dart & DHL, Tensingh was a preferred supplier of printing material. His understanding of printing technology, competitive prices and ability to work on strict timelines made us go again and again to him. He was an expert in this field and every interaction with Tensingh enhanced my understanding of printing field. He remains a select few vendors who I still remember with fondness and respect.”
Anjum Khan (Mumbai)

Open Door Media